Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Tooth

... finally came off last night. Her special request, "Can I keep it? I don't want to give it to the tooth fairy."


Anonymous said...

you know what? i have a jewelry box full of teeth, yes, teeth--teeth that either fell off or were taken off by a dentist of my 7 children, as they grew up. gross, but each tooth has a story to tell. lol

how are you Poch?

The Flip Side. . .Or Maybe Not said...

Hey Poch! We are doing the tooth thing too. The second one will soon be out.

P said...

hi, SM! yikes, i don't know if i want a treasure chest of fallen teeth. are they tagged/labelled? how can you tell them apart? i'm well, thanks.

Hey, Flip! she finally agreed to move the tooth from the current location - inside a matryoshka doll (the russian nesting thingys). We're moving it into the "special box," where a lock of hair from her first hair cut is kept.

The Flip Side. . .Or Maybe Not said...

I have a small bottle with my older son's little teeth. Sebi has a little tooth shaped box for his soon-to-be-two lost teeth. I like the idea of the nesting dolls to hold keepsakes. Makes it more special...hmm for some reason, I suddenly thought of my tonsils. Had them removed when I was nine and took them home with me. They sat in an alcohol filled gerber babyfood jar for years. I wonder what happened to them...

Tesa Celdran said...

Alrighty, Ninang here owes Rama yet another gift.

We're taking her shopping right, when you come?!

And then maybe to lunch, and maybe the salon?

I know, I know, but that's me and I know Rama will love it!

P said...

Funny about the tonsils, Flip. What would you do, I wonder, if you had an appendectomy?

Hi, Ninang! OMG. She would love that. Game!

The Flip Side. . .Or Maybe Not said...

It's just too nasty a thought!