Thursday, February 7, 2008


I walked Rama to school today. It snowed all night (I think). So this morning, we had to trudge through knee-deep snow. Some parts of our walk were clear and easy; others less so. Basically, it was tiring. Rama was a trooper - would never complain. Except for this:
Rama: Whoa! I'm so tired, I'm getting duling.


Anonymous said...

wow. i love the picture!!! i love snow. :-)

P said...

Credit for the photo goes to room929 from torontoist flickr pool. Yes, snow can be fun. thanks for dropping a line, dee :-)

Anonymous said...

Snow if fun nga!

Anonymous said...

I meant "is"

P said...

Hey, Knitty. I was warned of brutal winters, but I am still unfazed. Bring it on! And most importantly, Rama loves it!

bexieville said...

love snow, but not when u have to shovel it =P

P said...

hey, bexie! love snow, and love that i don't have to shovel (condo-dweller). we are also car-less, so that's one less worry, as well :-)

Random Possum said...

Hola Ate Poch!

I guess we've been spoiled here in NYC...yesterday was in the 60s, but then again that too could be a sign of a dreadful weather coming. Knock on wood!

Best regards, and hugs to Rama...CIAO

P said...

Hey, Random! It's not too cold, just snowy. :-) Hugs to you, too! When are you coming here?

Random Possum said...

i'm fully booked with business trips until november...seriously jetlag is my middle name!

will let you know though.

ciao and have a fantabulous weekend!

JoiceyTwenty said...

i really love rama!!! heheh :)